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Going the extra mile. 

For half a century delivering refrigerated goods, produce and general freight

Delivering on time, safely
and efficiently.

Long Haul Transport is what we do. We like to think we are the best in the business and ensure that we live up to this reputation, every day. 

Our History
Our Advantage

The company specialises in refrigerated transport with vans and refrigerated tautliners making up majority of the fleet. Scarcella transport also have a number of open trailers and dry taught liners to support steel, building materials and a range of other general freight.


The distinctive green and white colours of the Kenworths and Macks are seen regularly between Sydney and Darwin with triple and quad road train combinations.

B double and singles are also a common site across the eastern sea board with these services supporting the Sydney – Darwin network from all capital cities.


Scarcella Transport currently operates a large Road Train network to the Northern Territory and departs Sydney twice weekly to Darwin delivering on time freight with a versatile and modern fleet.

The company operates express services with two up drivers as well as solo drivers on the general services. This allows a 2 day transit for produce and express freight but also moves general in a timely and compliant fashion. As Darwin is a service economy the population need our service for their daily lives, so we take our transit times very seriously.  


The company workshop handles all the scheduled and non scheduled maintenance. Should mechanical problems present themselves away from the depot the company has a large list of approved service providers and authorised repairers throughout Australia.

Sydney to Darwin Northern Territory road freight
Refrigerated goods Sydney to Darwin

What Makes Us Stand Out

We are proudly a recognised market leader specialising in moving goods weekly from Sydney to Darwin.


We connect key transport routes with door-to-door freight services safely, reliably and economically.


Our dedicated staff work with you to ensure and end to end service where there is one touch on your freight requirements. Our streamlined processes ensure your goods arrive in full, safely and on time.

Refrigerated goods Sydney to Darrwin road freight

Our Fleet

Refrigerated goods Sydney to Darrwin road freight

Scarcella Transport has 35 late model, immaculately presented and well maintained Prime Movers, as well as 150 trailers and 36 dollies.

Scarcella Transport has a mixture of trailers including:

  • Conventional Refrigerated Vans

  • Refrigerated Slider Vans

  • Refrigerated Tautliners

  • Flat Tops (to cover non-conventional freight)

  • Swiss Door Refrigerated Vans

  • Refrigerated Drop Deck Mezzanine floor tautliners

  • Drop Deck open trailers

  • Drop Deck open trailers with ramps (for oversize & difficult loads)

  • 36 dollies

Scarcella Transport has a strict maintenance program for all equipment.

Refrigerated goods Sydney to Darrwin road freight

Who We Are

About Our Company

We are not the only freight company around so we take our job and our relationship with you extra seriously. We have been in the road freight industry for a long time and value what you need. 


Year of Establishment


Million kilometres traveled each year


 Employees that go the extra mile


Business Partners

John & Joe

John and Joe Scarcella

Directors, Scarcella Transport

Our Compliance and Accreditation is important to us

Our safety and compliance is paramount

All drivers receive induction and ongoing training; all drivers participate in the company’s health screening program aligned with the Truck Safe Accreditation Program.

Scarcella Transport has a high priority on safety and all drivers are trained in the following:


  • Fatigue and the effects of fatigue in transport

  • All relevant OH&S compliance issues

  • Coupling and uncoupling trailers

  • Load restraint


All Training is delivered by Pentrans Consulting (Ian Pendered).

We Make a Difference

Some of our Projects & Stories

We move a lot of freight - from frozen goods to general freight, and even donations to Darwin. We also dedicate our time to 

Refigerated Transport, B2B, Pallets and boxes, Machinery and Shipping containers.


We are involved in charity work and love what we do. 

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